What to avoid after LASIK?

Whether you’re preparing for your initial examination or doing research in preparation for your LASIK treatment, here are a few pointers to keep in mind.

Take your contacts out of your pocket. 

Because contact lenses alter the curvature of the cornea, they should be exchanged for glasses in the weeks leading up to your examination and treatment in order to enable your eyes to restore to their original form. Soft contact lenses must be removed from the eyes at least 3 days before the assessments take place. Those who sleep in their contact lenses or who use TORIC contact lenses are asked to remove them at least 7 days before their examination. Those who use gas perm or hard lenses will be required to remove their contacts at least 21 days prior to the assessment.

Stay away from caffeinated beverages. 

After having LASIK, caffeine might cause your eyes to feel dry, making it a bit more difficult to completely rest after the procedure. Our office requests that you refrain from consuming caffeine for at least 4 hours before surgery, and we suggest that you consume 5-6 glasses of non-alcoholic, caffeine-free beverages every day, commencing several days before the operation. Taking an Omega-3 supplement and utilizing lubricating eye drops may be advised a few days before surgery and for up to three months after surgery, depending on the procedure.

Bring a responsible driver with you. 

Despite the fact that you will notice an instant improvement after lasik, you will not be able to drive yourself home after the procedure. Request the services of a responsible friend or family member to serve as your chauffeur.

Stay away from beauty products. 

On the day of your operation, avoid wearing any makeup, perfume, lotions, cologne, or aftershave since they might irritate the surgical site.

The Recovery Timeline Following LASIK Surgery Is How Long Is It?

One of the most crucial aspects of being ready for LASIK eye surgery is making sure you understand what to anticipate throughout your LASIK recovery. The good news is that this outpatient procedure is rather short, and the majority of patients report that their LASIK surgery recovery period is less difficult than they anticipated. Your vision will return to normal in no time, and any pain should only last a day or two after the procedure. Nearly everyone reports better vision almost immediately after surgery, and they may resume most normal activities within a few days of the procedure being completed.

Important to remember is that the whole LASIK recovery period will be a full year since your corneal flaps will need to heal fully before your vision can be restored. The good news is that this longer healing period does not imply that you will be out of commission for many months. Prepare to be a bit gentler with your eyes for a short period of time in order to safeguard your recovering corneas. Nevertheless, beyond the first month after your treatment, the additional precautions that you’ll need to take will be little.

Consider the following LASIK eye surgery recovery timetable so that you are aware of what to anticipate in terms of healing and recovery after your procedure. What to anticipate from the initial moments after the operation is completed until one year after the surgery is completed will be explained in detail…………………….. This may assist you in making appropriate planning and alleviating any concerns that may develop if you suffer any of the frequent side effects throughout the journey. You can read about LASIK dry eye by clicking here.

Timeline for LASIK recovery: The First Twenty-four Hours

The operation itself is rapid, and it usually only takes around half an hour to complete it. The next day, you’ll begin your LASIK eye surgery recuperation period. It is critical that you take exceptional care of your eyes and that you adhere to your surgeon’s recommendations to the letter. In terms of healing, the first 24 hours after LASIK surgery are the most essential of the whole recovery timetable after LASIK surgery. Listed below is what you might anticipate in the first hour after surgery.

Following your procedure, wait 5 minutes after it has finished. When you look around following your operation, you will most likely discover that your eyesight has already improved! Your eyesight will not be completely corrected at this time, so if you are dissatisfied with what you are seeing at this moment, give it some time. When you initially wake up, your eyesight may look blurry, foggy, or hazy, as if you are submerged in water. Over the following few hours, this will continue to improve, and the sensations will continue to subside as your eyes recover. The transparent plastic eye shields will be applied over your eyes by your eye care staff in order to protect them. You will have arranged for someone to take you home, but you should still wear sunglasses outside to protect your eyes from the light.

Following your procedure, you should wait 30 minutes before eating or drinking. Your anesthetic will begin to wear off, and you may experience some slight pain as a result of this. Your eyes will begin to itch and/or burn at this stage, and it is critical that you rest your eyes at this time. If feasible, take a sleep or lie down in a dark place for 2-4 hours to allow your eyes to rest and rejuvenate. Keep your eye shields on at all times. If you need pain medicines, your doctor will provide you with the necessary instructions. For a few hours, you should refrain from looking at any displays, including your phone, computer, and television, as this will help you relax. Isn’t it true that asleep is sounding more appealing now?

4 Hours After Your Procedure: You will find that the itching and/or burning has lessened after getting up from resting your eyes. Your eyesight will very certainly have improved even more throughout this period. Your eyes may remain sensitive to light and may feel dry or as if there is something in them for a short period of time. Remember to keep your eye shields in place so that you do not rub your eyes. During your LASIK recuperation, be sure to follow your doctor’s directions about eye drops to ensure that your eyes heal correctly and remain well-lubricated. Allowing your eyes to rest anytime they begin to feel weary or become too itchy or sensitive is recommended.

Within 24 hours after your procedure, you should: It is possible that you could have other minor symptoms, all of which will begin to subside over your LASIK recovery period. Your eyes may become hazy or glare, and you may have watery eyes or swollen eyelids. You may also have red eyes or little red bruises on the whites of your eyes. Visit http://techcookies.net/what-lasik-eye-surgery-is-correct/ to read about What LASIK Eye Surgery is correct?

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What LASIK Eye Surgery is correct?

LASIK eye surgery is described by the United States Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) as “a surgical technique designed to lessen a person’s reliance on glasses or contact lenses.” LASIK surgery has been performed on millions of individuals worldwide to correct their eyesight. LASIK is a fantastic alternative for those who no longer want to address their vision problems using glasses or contact lenses. While a significant proportion of patients with vision difficulties chose this kind of elective vision correction surgery, it is not appropriate for everyone. In other words, LASIK can only be used to address visual issues in particular categories of patients.

Just as there is no one-size-fits-all magic solution for every sickness, there is no one-size-fits-all eye surgery or method that can repair every eyesight impairment. At Woolfson Eye Institute, we’ve written this article to educate our patients and anybody else contemplating lasik surgery about the types of common eye problems that LASIK or laser eye surgery might possibly correct.

LASIK surgery is not a one-size-fits-all procedure.

While LASIK eye surgery is capable of improving vision difficulties caused by a broad range of conditions, there are alternative vision correction treatments such as monovision, PRK, and others that may be a better match for you. While we make every attempt on this site to educate existing and prospective patients, the most effective approach to “get the facts” is to book a personal consultation.

The Three Most Common Issues That LASIK Surgery Corrects

Without becoming too technical, it is critical for you to understand how your vision is assessed. A diopter is a unit used to assess vision, and a particular value is obtained from it in relation to your eye’s light-perceptive qualities (s). As you are probably aware, the final number is stated as a − (negative) if you are nearsighted and as a + (positive) if you are farsighted (nearsightedness and farsightedness are known medically as myopia and hyperopia, respectively).

1. Myopia 

LASIK surgery is an excellent alternative for many people who have both mild and severe nearsightedness. Indeed, a significant proportion of our patients who have had successful LASIK surgery previously had extreme nearsightedness and were often informed that LASIK would not be the best choice for them.

However, because of the Stulting Research Center and other modern technology available to our specialists at Woolfson Eye Institute, we are confident in conducting LASIK surgery on a large number of patients who seek a second opinion.

2. Farsightedness (Hyperopia) 

While LASIK surgery remains a very realistic choice for those who suffer from farsightedness or hyperopia, we are more cautious when assessing patients as LASIK candidates who have this particular visual condition. Individuals with farsightedness have a flatter cornea and a shorter eye than a normal eye, which causes distant objects to focus behind the retina.

Although the degree to which you are farsighted will determine the effectiveness of LASIK in treating your specific condition, as the leading LASIK provider in the Southeastern United States, we are confident in our ability to treat your vision problems, whether through LASIK or one of our other vision correction procedures.

3. Perplexed Vision (Astigmatism)

Many people suffer from blurred vision in one or both eyes, which is most often caused by a disease called astigmatism, which you have undoubtedly heard of. Astigmatism is mostly caused by an uneven steepening of the cornea, which may often be rectified through lasik surgery.

LASIK and other laser eye surgery procedures, such as PRK and LASEK, have an outstanding safety profile and a high success rate. They are intended to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism and may enable you to live without glasses or contacts.

Issues of LASIK surgery that are sight-threatening, such as major vision loss, are relatively uncommon, and many side effects and laser eye surgery complications may be treated with subsequent surgery or medical therapy.

As with any other surgical operation, there are risks, complications, and restrictions that you should be completely informed of before opting to undertake the process (or any type of procedure, for that matter). By selecting a qualified and experienced LASIK eye surgeon, you can help mitigate these risks and ensure the best possible outcome from laser eye surgery.

The first step is to assess if you qualify for vision corrective surgery. Your eye doctor will conduct a comprehensive diagnostic eye exam to ascertain your candidacy for LASIK surgery. He or she will assess your cornea’s shape and thickness, your refractive errors and pupil size, the moistness of your eyes (to rule out dry eye syndrome), your overall health and medical history, and any drugs you are now taking.

Even if you are not a candidate for LASIK, you may still be a candidate for alternative vision correction procedures such as PRK, LASEK, or implanted lenses. Visit to read about https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/lasik/what-are-risks-and-how-can-i-find-right-doctor-me What are the risks and how can I find the right doctor for me?

Risks and Limitations of LASIK Eye Surgery

Not everyone qualifies for LASIK eye surgery. Certain medical illnesses and anatomical variables might raise your chance of having a poor LASIK result or restrict your ability to achieve optimum LASIK outcomes. These include the following:

  • Corneas that are too thin or uneven 
  • Pupils that are too large 
  • A high refractive error 
  • Unstable vision 
  • Dry eyes
  • Your age 
  • Pregnancy status 
  • Presence of certain degenerative or active autoimmune illnesses

For a comprehensive checklist of LASIK risk factors and to determine if you are a suitable candidate, please read our LASIK Criteria for Success.

LASIK Complications and Side Effects

Since LASIK eye surgery was launched in the United States more than two decades ago, millions of Americans have had it to correct their vision, and skilled LASIK doctors indicate that major complication rates may be kept below 1%.

The most often encountered LASIK problems and adverse effects are described here. The majority of these issues may be remedied medically or with extra “enhancement” surgery.

Discomfort and vision problems are just temporary. Discomfort associated with the first few days after LASIK surgery, including as moderate irritation and light sensitivity, is typical and anticipated. You may also suffer halos; glare and starbursts in low-light surroundings, particularly at night; dry eye symptoms; foggy vision; and decreased visual sharpness over the first few weeks or months. The great majority of the time, these issues are transient and resolve entirely within three to six months.

Complications associated with flaps. The LASIK process includes creating a tiny hinged flap on the cornea’s front surface. This is removed during surgery for laser eye reshaping. After that, the flap is restored to create a natural bandage.

If the LASIK flap is not created properly, it may not adhere adequately to the eye’s surface, or small creases called striae (STRIE-ee) may form in the flap. Optical distortions and impaired vision might result from these flap problems.

According to the April 2006 edition of the American Journal of Ophthalmology, flap problems occur in between 0.3 and 5.7 percent of LASIK surgeries. In a study of 3,009 consecutive LASIK procedures performed between August 2002 and July 2009 using a femtosecond laser to create the flap, flap complications occurred in less than half of one percent (0.37 percent) of these procedures, and all complications were successfully managed during the same surgical session. Click here to read about What you probably didn’t know about LASIK.

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Arrow Path : Complete the path in this challenging game

Do you want to train your mind? Here’s a nice puzzle game where you need to complete a path : Arrow Path

The main screen let you choose to play the game, to enable audio and music (very nice background music) and to access to Google Play Services to check the leaderboards.

If you choose Play you can play several levels, but you need to choose difficulty first.

I suggest to try very easy to learn how to play it. There are over 800 levels available.

The target of the game is to complete the path by dragging the arrows at the bottom over the empty spaces on the board.

If you make a mistake you can move an arrow over another one to switch position.

I think this game is well done and challenging after you complete the first few levels.

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App Dialer : Search apps using T9 dialer

Do you want a super fast way to search an app/game on your Android device? Check out this nice app : App Dialer

The app is very simple. The main screen is the dialer in the screenshot below where you can type the name of the app you want to search.

For instance if you want to search Google+ you can just type 4-6-6. The idea is exactly the same as the T9 prediction when we write a short text.

The app show the first 6 apps distributed into 2 pages. You can change page by swiping from the right to the left in the apps area.

You can also clear everything and start from scratch by using Clear button.

This app is really smart and reuse an old idea into a new context like app search on smartphones.

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Ailer : Find the hidden figure in this nice logic game

Today we’ll talk about a very simple game where you have to find a figure composed by squares : Ailer

The main screen give you the possibility to continue an existing game, start a new one, get help to understand how to play or show the leaderboards.

The target of the game is to find a figure visible on the right side of the screen in the board. To do it you have to tap on each square that compose the figure. Learn more a rapid antigen tests patients for specific antigens that indicate they can transmit COVID-19.

There are some numbers on the rows and columns that show how many cells are available for that column or row. That will help you to understand where the figure is.

If you tap on the wrong square you’ll lose a life. You have a limited number of lives.

The figure can be rotated as well and that will make everything a bit more complicated.

Here’s the how it looks when we complete the first level.

I think this game is simple and challenging at the same time and can be played by both adults and children.

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3D Zombie Ant Smasher Ball Run : Smash the zombie ants

Today I’ll talk about a strange, but nice 3D game where you are a sphere and you need to smash zombie ants : 3D Zombie Ant Smasher Ball Run

This game is a nice exception because with the accelerometer and a simple game play let you enjoy a 3d game on a phone.

The main screen start immediately with a 3D scene.

You can choose to change volume for sound and music effect (bottom right button), buy upgrades (bottom left button) or to tap to start to play.

Here’s how the sliders to change volume for sound and music looks.

If you tap to start to play you’ll see some zombie ants running and you’ll be a sphere to smash them.

To control the sphere you’ll use the accelerometer and to jump you just swipe upward.

You need to take most of the green gems to be able to buy upgrade your sphere. You have limited time and you get bonus time every time you kill a zombie ant.

You need to avoid obstacles like cars or you’ll lose the game.

This game have some nice and funny effect when you smash a zombie ant.

I think you can enjoy this game because it’s simple and easy to play.

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Shake : Run any action with a shake

Have you ever thought executing an action with just a shake? Would you just like to turn on your screen and your wifi network with a simple shake. Here’s a nice app to do that : Shake

Shake is a nice utility app that allows you to use a shake of your Android device as a mean to execute an action.

The main screen allows you to configure a couple of settings.

  • Action when shaken to configure which actions to run for each shake
  • Sensor sensitivity to adjust the sensitivity of the shake
  • Service state to keep the service running.
  • Start at the phone startup to run the service when you boot the device
  • Active when screen is off to keep the service running even where screen is off. It could consume more battery. Use it carefully.
  • Vibrate when shaken to have a vibration feedback when a shake has been detected
  • Notify when shaken to show you a message when a shake has been detected

If you choose Action when shaken you’ll see 3 different tab :

  • Simple if you just to want to run one action for any shake
  • Advance if you want 2 different action for horizontal and vertical shake
  • Pro if you want 3 different actions for horizontal, vertical and forward shake

This app is really neat and you can speed up some very frequent actions with just a shake.

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Shake It : Change wallpaper with a shake

Are you bored to manually change wallpaper? Here’s a nice app that will change it by simply shaking your Android device : Shake It

The app is just a live wallpaper. To configure it you have to long press on your home screen and choose Wallpapers.

You can now choose Shake It.

Then just tap on Set wallpaper and you are done.

You can just shake a bit your Android device and you’ll see the wallpaper change automatically. There are some nice pictures provided with the app.

I found a little issue on my Galaxy Nexus because a shake change multiple times the wallpaper. I reported the issue to the author and hopefully it’ll get fixed soon.

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Notify Me : Notifications on lockscreen

Do you want to receive notifications directly on your lockscreen? Here’s a nice Open Source app to do that : Notify Me

The first time you open the app you have to enable it through Accessibility Service. Once enabled you can configure which app notifications you’d like to see on the lockscreen.

You just tap on Add an app.

You can now choose the app and setup few settings. You can explore the several options available. Now tap on Save and you have done!

There are few additional preferences available from the main menu (icon with 3 dots at top right side of the screen). You can configure screen timeout, lock orientation, if you want to use sliders instead of buttons and the background color.

You’ll now see all notifications for the apps you configured on your lockscreen.

It’s a nice new way to receive notifications without have to unlock your device! 

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Minesweeper : Old style logic game

Do you remember the old Windows game called Minesweeper? Here’s a nice reproduction for Android : Minesweeper

The main screen bring you immediately into the game. You can choose the level by selecting it on the menu.

There are 4 levels (Noob, Beginner, Intermediate and Expert) and the possibility to create a custom one.

Depending on the level you’ll see more or less squares and mines. In the custom one you’ll choose the exact numbers.

The target of the game is to identify the mines without letting them explode. If you tap on a square you’ll see an empty space and some numbers.

The meaning of the number is how many mines are around that position. For instance when you see 2 it means there are two mines around that position.

You should try to guess where are the mines based on that.

When you identify a mine you can sign it by long press on it. You’ll see a red flag over it. You need to identify all the mines before the time is over.

If you tap on a square where is hidden a mine you’ll lose the game. 

This game remind me the first time I used Windows and the only game available on my computer was this one.

At the beginning it is not easy, but after a bit you can become a master on this game!

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